Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Coursework - Music Magazine Research

Now that the Prelminary Task has been successfully completed we are able to move onto studying, analysing and comparing music magazines. After careful research I have produced a music magazine board of particular magazines which have immediately caught my eye, be it because of colour, the central image, the text type, graphics or its successfuless.

Here is a printscreen shot of all the music magazines which have caught a general audiences eye. After doing the research on this particular part of the course I have notably recognised the average criteria needed in order to attract specific audiences. on an overall basis colour is essential, however the colours tone in which are used are dependant on who the audience aim is. I have also noted that using successful people who have easily risen to fame helps the selling point of the magazine.

Overall this image board has allowed me to see the differences and make comparisons between what attracts a music magazine reader and what allows for a greater impact to be made on the audience. I will take forward this research in order to allow for an overall professional finish to my completed music magazine.

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